Ladbrokes Promo Codes
Today we will review and list the available Ladbrokes promo codes in one convenient place so you no longer have to scour the internet to find the one for you. Here we will provide you with the best Ladbrokes Codes for 2017. You may think why would you need a promo code but these are known to enhance the amount of cash you get to start with so use one of ours, make sure you choose wisely you can only use one Ladbrokes discount code.
About Ladbrokers
Ladbrokes are one of the UK’s biggest and well respected bookmakers online and offline. With a variety of different bets and with incredibly high stake betting it brings in everyday bettors to the VIP’s and once you’ve signed up you wont feel the need to find another bookies. With over 16,000 employees they are a market leader in betting in the UK and Europe with a combined shop count of over 2,800. They also offer betting shops at 8 different Premiership football grounds and nine racecourses. Not to mention that they offer betting across telephone, mobile and online they really offer a complete betting package. With over 1 million active bettors in their database they’ve really improved their online presence by implementing nine languages and supporting a further 17 currencies.
Customer support
Ladbrokes offer 24/7 customer service via phone call, live chat and direct E-mail. The sports book customer service phone for UK is 0800 731 6191, and outside UK +44 208 515 2565. They usually solve all problems very fast and they answer e-mails in 1-2 hours usually. They recently added live chat option and they are ready to attend you in several languages (English, Spanish, Italian, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Danish, Turkish, Greek, Portuguese, Thai, Bulgarian, Croatian, Romanian, Russian, Slovenian, Slovak, Czech, Russian).
Betting coverage, Odds quality, Live streaming
With four different methods of betting you’ll be able to do it at home, in a shop or even on the go. Using three different selection off odds formats: Decimal, UK and American.
Current active coupon codes:
F50 – sign up and get up to £50 free
G3- – bet £10 and get £30 free
To make the most out of your first bet why don’t you use one of our Ladbrokes codes listed above t really maximize your starting balance and win as much cash as possible. Offering a variety of live streams across daily racing events including both horses and dogs.
Betting With Promo Codes
Promo codes are a widely accepted method of betting nowadays and have been implemented greatly by all bookmakers alike. So we’ve made it easier for you and have listed all the available bonuses and their coupon codes so you can get more for your money at Ladbrokes.
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