How to Save Money at Target by Stacking Coupons

Getting Started

The first thing you will need to start saving money at Target is a selection of manufacturer coupons. These can be found in your Sunday newspaper inserts or printed from a variety of websites online (hint, hint – like this very site You are on right now:). Look for products or brands you like or use often. The more coupons you have stockpiled, the more likely it is you can find amazing deals at Target. Organize them in an envelope, folder, or binder so you can easily look up what you have.

The next step is to find Target coupons. The easiest way to get Target coupons is to print them from the Target website. Target’s online coupons can be printed twice per computer, so if you find any especially good deals be sure to print the coupon as many times as you can. If you have one computer, print it twice. If you have two, print it four times. There are sometimes kiosks in the stores where you can also print current Target store coupons.

save money with these coupons

Coupon Stacking

The goal of coupon stacking is to find store coupons that are for the same items you already have manufacturer coupons for. For example, you may find a Target coupon for $1 off when you buy two boxes of Nabisco crackers. You may also have two manufacturer coupons for $1 off a box of Nabisco crackers. This is a high value deal and means you will be getting $1.50 off each box of Nabisco crackers when you buy two and use both coupons.

Price Cuts

When you are in the store with your envelope, binder, or coupon clutch full of store and manufacturer coupons, look for yellow plastic tabs on the shelf that say “Price Cut”. This means the item’s price has temporarily been lowered and if you have coupons for this item it makes a great deal even better. Sometimes a price cut can make an item nearly free with even a single manufacturer or store coupon. For example, at one point Coffee Mate creamer went down to 2 for $3, and there are sometimes manufacturer coupons for $1 off or even $1.50 available. This would make the creamer 50 cents or even free!

Travel Sizes

Travel sizes are another area where you can score free or nearly free items, but it involves some investigative work. The coupon must not specify a size, or state that it excludes travel sizes. Otherwise, if you have a coupon for $1 off Secret deodorant, and there is a travel size Secret deodorant for $1, enjoy your free deodorant. Occasionally there may be a cashier who questions this. But if you can show the cashier that the coupon does not exclude travel sizes you should be out of the water. Otherwise, ask for a supervisor or check with Guest Services. If the coupon is for more than the amount of the item, which you will find in some cases, the cashier may adjust the amount of the coupon down to match the price of the item.

Shoppers who were interested in Target coupons and deals also took notice of our BlazingSEOLLC and TsoHost promotions.

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